My name is Elaina and I am a Year 8 student at Ngatea Primary School. I enjoy swimming, music, reading, film making and art.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Drastic Drama Scripts

Here are the scripts I used to run my workshop at the LITMC!
Script No. 1
At The Theme Park
All characters walk onto stage.
Character 4: I can’t wait to go to the theme park!
Character 2: I can’t wait to go on the roller coaster!
Character 3: And we all know that the roller coaster is the only ride worth going on.
Character 1: (quietly) Yeah, I guess… I am a little bit nervous though…
Characters 2, 3 and 4: Toughen up!
Characters walk into theme park. They are standing next to the rollercoaster cart, all looking apprehensive.
Character 1: Now I’m not so sure.
Character 2: It looks really scary!
Character 3: (Looks up and around.) Woah…
Character 4: (Nervously) Let’s just get it over and done with, I guess…
Characters 2, 3, and 4 all get on the rollercoaster, but Character 1 stays off, looking nervous.
Character1: I don’t know…
Characters 2, 3 and 4: Come on, it’s not that scary!
Character 4 pulls Character 1 onto the rollercoaster. The rollercoaster starts. All characters scream.
Character 1: (spews violently)
Character 2: (rocks in seat)
Character 3: (shivers uncontrollably)
Character 4: (sits still, looking utterly petrified)
The ride finishes. All characters get off, walking wonky, and dizzy.
All: We are never, ever, ever, ever doing that again!
All characters pass out.

Script No. 2
Driving Drama
Mum hops in car.
Mum: Hurry up kids!
Kids get in car. Car starts.
Kid 1: Ugh, I hate school!
Kid 2: I love school, and according to my calculations, she points finger at Kid 3 will start screaming right about… now.
Kid 3: Where is my bag?
Mum: Why didn’t you grab it yourself?
Kid 3: You should have done it, that’s your job!
Kid 1: Jumps out of car.
Kid 2: According to my calculations, 28% of her bones are broken.
Kid 1: Screaming in the background.
Mum:  What’s going on back there?
Kid 3: She jumped out of the car.
Mum: What the - oh my gosh!
Turns car around.
Kid 2: It will take 2.3 minutes to arrive at your destination.
Kid 3: Ugh! Why does this take so long?
Mum: Panicking and hyperventilating.
Kid 2: Turn left in 200 metres.
Mum: I know!!!!
Kid 3: Why is my life so hard?!
The car pulls up next to Kid 1.
Kid 1: Owwww!!!!!
Kid 2: You should call 111.
Mum: You think?
Kid 3: Maybe this is why we’re always late to school.

Script No. 3
A Game Of Rugby
Characters 1 & 2 walk onto the stage.
Commentator: Please welcome Team Unicorn and Team Frog, who are facing it off in the Super-Duper Rugby Finals!
Referee: Get into position!
Commentator: The two teams are getting into position.
Referee: Blows whistle.
Character 1: Aaaaaaahhhh!!!! Dives at Referee.
Referee: Penalty!! Penalty to Team Frog!
Character 1: I don’t really understand this game.
Character 2: Yeaahhhh!!!! I won!
Commentator: How exactly did these two teams make it into the finals?
Character 2: Kicks ball.
Referee: Penalty awarded.
Character 1: Why am I here?
Commentator: According to this, these two teams miraculously won every single game by simply claiming they won from the get-go.
Character 1 & 2: I won!!!!!!!!!
Commentator: They seem to think that they won….
Referee: What is this?
Character 1: No, I won!!!!!
Character 1 & 2: Start fighting.
Commentator: Finally something slightly related to rugby happening here in the stadium.
Referee: I’m out of here.

Commentator: It appears the referee is leaving the stadium! We have to call this one a draw!
Character 1 & 2: What?!

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