Thursday, 28 September 2017
Monday, 25 September 2017
Drastic Drama Scripts
Here are the scripts I used to run my workshop at the LITMC!
Script No. 1
At The Theme Park
All characters walk onto stage.
Character 4: I can’t wait to go to the theme park!
Character 2: I can’t wait to go on the roller coaster!
Character 3: And we all know that the roller coaster is the only ride worth going on.
Character 1: (quietly) Yeah, I guess… I am a little bit nervous though…
Characters 2, 3 and 4: Toughen up!
Characters walk into theme park. They are standing next to the rollercoaster cart, all looking apprehensive.
Character 1: Now I’m not so sure.
Character 2: It looks really scary!
Character 3: (Looks up and around.) Woah…
Character 4: (Nervously) Let’s just get it over and done with, I guess…
Characters 2, 3, and 4 all get on the rollercoaster, but Character 1 stays off, looking nervous.
Character1: I don’t know…
Characters 2, 3 and 4: Come on, it’s not that scary!
Character 4 pulls Character 1 onto the rollercoaster. The rollercoaster starts. All characters scream.
Character 1: (spews violently)
Character 2: (rocks in seat)
Character 3: (shivers uncontrollably)
Character 4: (sits still, looking utterly petrified)
The ride finishes. All characters get off, walking wonky, and dizzy.
All: We are never, ever, ever, ever doing that again!
All characters pass out.
Script No. 2
Driving Drama
Mum hops in car.
Mum: Hurry up kids!
Kids get in car. Car starts.
Kid 1: Ugh, I hate school!
Kid 2: I love school, and according to my calculations, she points finger at Kid 3 will start screaming right about… now.
Kid 3: Where is my bag?
Mum: Why didn’t you grab it yourself?
Kid 3: You should have done it, that’s your job!
Kid 1: Jumps out of car.
Kid 1: Jumps out of car.
Kid 2: According to my calculations, 28% of her bones are broken.
Kid 1: Screaming in the background.
Mum: What’s going on back there?
Kid 3: She jumped out of the car.
Mum: What the - oh my gosh!
Turns car around.
Kid 2: It will take 2.3 minutes to arrive at your destination.
Kid 3: Ugh! Why does this take so long?
Mum: Panicking and hyperventilating.
Kid 2: Turn left in 200 metres.
Mum: I know!!!!
Kid 3: Why is my life so hard?!
The car pulls up next to Kid 1.
Kid 1: Owwww!!!!!
Kid 2: You should call 111.
Mum: You think?
Kid 3: Maybe this is why we’re always late to school.
Script No. 3
A Game Of Rugby
Characters 1 & 2 walk onto the stage.
Commentator: Please welcome Team Unicorn and Team Frog, who are facing it off in the Super-Duper Rugby Finals!
Referee: Get into position!
Commentator: The two teams are getting into position.
Referee: Blows whistle.
Character 1: Aaaaaaahhhh!!!! Dives at Referee.
Referee: Penalty!! Penalty to Team Frog!
Character 1: I don’t really understand this game.
Character 2: Yeaahhhh!!!! I won!
Commentator: How exactly did these two teams make it into the finals?
Character 2: Kicks ball.
Referee: Penalty awarded.
Character 1: Why am I here?
Commentator: According to this, these two teams miraculously won every single game by simply claiming they won from the get-go.
Commentator: According to this, these two teams miraculously won every single game by simply claiming they won from the get-go.
Character 1 & 2: I won!!!!!!!!!
Commentator: They seem to think that they won….
Commentator: They seem to think that they won….
Referee: What is this?
Character 1: No, I won!!!!!
Character 1 & 2: Start fighting.
Commentator: Finally something slightly related to rugby happening here in the stadium.
Referee: I’m out of here.
Commentator: It appears the referee is leaving the stadium! We have to call this one a draw!
Character 1 & 2: What?!
Character 1 & 2: What?!
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Volleyball Reflection
For the past few weeks, Marama has been going to HPC to learn to play volleyball from some amazing Year 12s. I was in Team 1. In my team was Katie, Sophie, Jocelyn, Kurt, Matthew, Josh, Jonty, and Noah. Our coaches names were Grace, Sophie and Aidan. We attended 5 sessions, which were really fun! On the last session, we had a big tournament, where we played every team. We won two games and lost 5. Although we didn’t do as well as we could have, we still tried our best.
I think that the hardest skill for me was definitely the dig. It was hard to get my hands in the right position in time. But I definitely improved a lot over the 5 sessions! My favourite skill was the set. I think I was really good at that one! The other skill we learnt was the serve. I was alright at that, but I could have been better.
We had to use Resilience when we were learning all of the skills. It was hard, so we had to persevere!
We had to use Connecting because when we played in a team, we had to talk to each other!
We had to use Resilience when we were learning all of the skills. It was hard, so we had to persevere!
We had to use Connecting because when we played in a team, we had to talk to each other!
Overall, I really enjoyed our volleyball sessions. I think the only downside in volleyball is that your arms go very red!
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
IE Summaries
What is global warming? What causes it?
Global warming is defined as a gradual increase in temperature in the earth’s atmosphere. This means that the temperature on earth is rising. This is caused by there being too much carbon dioxide in the air. Car exhausts, aeroplanes, ships, and homes, schools, offices and factories energy also help cause it. When animals and humans breathe, they produce more carbon dioxide, contributing to the large amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Deforestation also plays a big part in global warming. When forests and trees are removed, it creates more space for carbon dioxide in the air. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, so the fewer trees and plants we have, the more carbon dioxide we will have in our atmosphere.
How will global warming affect our environment over time? How does it affect it now?
Global warming is defined as a gradual increase in temperature in the earth’s atmosphere. This means that the temperature on earth is rising. This is caused by there being too much carbon dioxide in the air. Car exhausts, aeroplanes, ships, and homes, schools, offices and factories energy also help cause it. When animals and humans breathe, they produce more carbon dioxide, contributing to the large amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Deforestation also plays a big part in global warming. When forests and trees are removed, it creates more space for carbon dioxide in the air. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, so the fewer trees and plants we have, the more carbon dioxide we will have in our atmosphere.
How will global warming affect our environment over time? How does it affect it now?
The ozone layer is thinning very, very slowly. Scientists expect that if we do things a little better, the ozone layer should recover by 2065. Since the 1800's, the average world temperature has risen 0.6 degrees Celsius. Scientists predict that the average temperature will rise 5.6 degrees by 2100. Scientists and meteorologists have predicted that heat waves and hurricanes will become longer, more intense, and more frequent. We will have devastating floods and harsh droughts.
Glaciers and polar ice sheets are also melting with the rise of temperature. This is causing sea levels to rise, so some coastlines will become submerged.
Some species and plants will have difficulty surviving in the heat. Some harmful, disease-carrying species will also be able to come into places that were too cold for them before. Mosquitoes with malaria and yellow fever will be able to come into places they couldn’t. Tick season will last longer, causing Lyme disease, and rocky mountain spotted fever. Too much heat can be dangerous, even fatal to humans - especially for the elderly and the very young.
Will global warming affect people over time, or will our bodies just get used to it? Does it affect our health?
Global warming will most certainly affect our health in many ways. Disease-carrying species will be able to come into places that were too cold for them before. Mosquitoes carrying malaria and yellow fever will come into places they couldn’t. Tick season will last longer, causing more people to be diagnosed with Lyme disease and rocky mountain spotted fever. Too much heat can be dangerous; even fatal to humans - especially for the elderly and young children.
Global warming will also invoke dramatic changes in the weather - we will endure long, devastating droughts, heat waves, rain, flooding, and hurricanes. These weather conditions would be very bad for our health. Droughts will cause a shortage in food and water. Heat waves will cause the human body to get too hot, which could be fatal. If we have too much rain and flooding, we could be forced indoors, or even worse - forced out of our homes. Hurricanes are also extremely dangerous.
A new study also found that higher temperatures can worsen heart health. Too much heat can easily cause you to have a heart attack.
Allergies will also worsen with rising temperatures. Plants are flowering earlier in the year, and total pollen production is increasing. And a recent study in Italy showed that not only people were having worse allergies, more people were becoming sensitive to pollen.
Is global warming a big issue? How/why? Do people know what it is?
Global warming isn’t an issue now, but it will be in the future. Global warming could cause lots of problems for people, animals, and the environment.
61.4% of the Marama Team knew what global warming was, and 29.5% do not know what it is. 9.2% had a fair idea, but weren’t completely sure. 72.2% of people thought global warming was a big issue, 8.3% of people thought it wasn’t, and 19.6% of people weren’t sure. When I asked them why they thought that, they weren’t really sure.
How can global warming be prevented? What can we change in our everyday lives to help prevent it?
Global warming can be prevented in lots of different ways. The more plants, oceans and trees we have, the less carbon dioxide there will be in the air. Plants and trees can help clean the air of carbon dioxide. We can use solar panels and wind turbines to as a cleaner, more sustainable energy source. Scientists are working on a new car with a hydrogen engine that produces clean water, instead of carbon dioxide. They are also trying to create cars that are powered by cleaner fuels.
These are things that will take a bit of time and effort to fix/change, but there are also some things we can easily change in our everyday lives. Instead of driving a car, walk or bike. When you are finished using appliances or computers, remember to turn them off. Reuse or recycle paper, plastic and metal. If we all continue to do all of these things, we can all help stop global warming.
Driving Question:
The ozone layer is thinning very, very slowly. Scientists expect that if we do things a little better, the ozone layer should recover by 2065. Since the 1800s, the average world temperature has risen 0.6 degrees Celsius. Scientists predict that the average temperature will rise 5.6 degrees by 2100. Scientists and meteorologists have predicted that heat waves and hurricanes will become longer, more intense, and more frequent. We will have devastating floods and harsh droughts.
Glaciers and polar ice sheets are also melting with the rise of temperature. This is causing sea levels to rise, so some coastlines will become submerged.
Some species and plants will have difficulty surviving in the heat. Some harmful, disease-carrying species will also be able to come into places that were too cold for them before.
Global warming can be prevented in lots of different ways. The more plants, oceans and trees we have, the less carbon dioxide there will be in the air. Plants and trees can help clean the air of carbon dioxide. We can use solar panels and wind turbines to as a cleaner, more sustainable energy source. Scientists are working on a new car with a hydrogen engine that produces clean water, instead of carbon dioxide. They are also trying to create cars that are powered by cleaner fuels.
These are things that will take a bit of time and effort to fix/change, but there are also some things we can easily change in our everyday lives. Instead of driving a car, walk or bike. When you are finished using appliances or computers, remember to turn them off. Reuse or recycle paper, plastic and metal. If we all continue to do all of these things, we can all help stop global warming.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Friday, 15 September 2017
Weekly Reflection Term 3 Week 8
- I went to the Hauraki Plains Speech Competition, and I presented my speech to the best of my ability.
- I got all of the questions correct in my GLOSS test!
- I was away for one day, so I didn’t have as much time to complete my learning.
What I learnt:
- I learnt about kowhaiwhai patterns and what they mean.
Thursday, 7 September 2017
My IE Questions
What is global warming? What causes it?
How will global warming affect our environment over time? How does it affect it now?
Will global warming affect people over time, or will our bodies just get used to it? Does it affect our health?
Is global warming a big issue? How/why?
How can global warming be prevented? What can we change in our everyday lives to help prevent it?
I am very excited to discover lots about my topic, global warming during this inquiry!
How will global warming affect our environment over time? How does it affect it now?
Will global warming affect people over time, or will our bodies just get used to it? Does it affect our health?
Is global warming a big issue? How/why?
How can global warming be prevented? What can we change in our everyday lives to help prevent it?
I am very excited to discover lots about my topic, global warming during this inquiry!
The Dread
My friend and I, we like to spy. Why do we like to spy? I do not know. Go ask some other guy.
Do you know what this other guy said? Yes he said because you own a dread.
The other guy is right, we do own a dread. Our dread makes us want to stay in bed.
Because a dread is bad. He will eat your Dad.
Our dread makes us dread terrible things. Our dread would make us dread we had no bread. Oh, how terrible it is to own a dread.
The dread takes up the whole house. Nothing else would fit, not even a mouse.
We have to live outside. When you live outside, it is hard to abide.
Sometimes I say to my friend Fred that we really should get rid of our dread.
But even Fred doesn’t know what to do. Fred has the flu.
I guess I’ll have to figure it out myself. If only I had an elf!
An elf with wealth, what a lot of help!
A dread loves pie. Don’t believe me? Go ask that other guy.
The other guy says that a dread loves pie. See, I would never lie. Not about pie.
Now I have pie, please go fetch that other guy. We need all the help we can get, I bet!
The other guy can’t come? That’s not good. We will just have to do this ourselves, understood?
Let’s put some pie by the door. Yes, that’s right, on the floor. A dread hates to use plates!
Come with me now, let us hide behind this bush. Oh, it is quite a squish!
Oh look, here he comes, twiddling his thumbs.
He sees the pie. I hope it’s not too dry!
He’s gobbling it up, yum yum yum. It’s filling up his big, big tum!
Quick, quick, go grab a net! We’ll catch him this time, I bet!
Go catch him! Yes! We have caught him!
Here comes the pound. They’ll have this dread drowned.
FInally, now we have our house. You may go now, back to your house.
I had such a lovely time with you. See you later, alligator!
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