My name is Elaina and I am a Year 8 student at Ngatea Primary School. I enjoy swimming, music, reading, film making and art.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Bloke's Day

My Dad's Favourite Things

Colour: Blue
Sport: Rugby/Cricket/Golf
TV Show: 7 Days
Hobby: Golf


I know you think I'm bad,
But really I am glad
That you are my dad
With me everyday,
Always willing to play
I just need to say
Happy Father's Day

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Daffodil Day

Today at school we had our Daffodil Day celebration. We have our Daffodil Day to raise money for Cancer Society. Everybody brought a gold coin, and that adds up to quite a bit of money. Today for our Daffodil Day celebration, everybody had to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grow up. There were lots of really cool dressups! My brother won a prize, and he was a boxer. My sister was an artist, but she didn't win a prize. 

I dressed up as an actress. It was pretty hard though, because actresses don't necessarily dress in a specific way. I just sort of dressed casually, and made a script and a VIP pass. I actually wrote a funny little story as a script. Here it is: 
Beagle: Sometimes I eat turtles.
Ayisha: That’s totally normal.
Freya: (Twitches violently)
Holly: What’s happening to Freya?
Freya: (Vomits)
Georgia: Oh my god, she’s dying!
Holly: Ooh vomit… (Touches vomit)
Georgia: Oh my god she touched it.
Freya: (starts trying to eat table)
Beagle: Something happened.
Ayisha: What happened?
Holly: She must have eaten something.
Georgia: Oh my god, what did you eat? It’s all over your face.
Holly: I ate the vomit.
Ayisha: And why did you think that would be a good idea?
Holly: Freya eats vomit too, and you don’t give her a hard time.
Beagle: I think that eating vomit is how they got this terrible sickness.
Holly: (Starts Twitching)
Ayisha: Oh well let’s just leave them to it.
(They all walk away, apart from Holly and Freya.)

Georgia: Oh my god, you know what?
Ayisha: What now?
Georgia: Oh my god, I want to be a magician.
Beagle: That’s nice.
(Holly and Freya walk in.)
Freya: Hi.
Holly: Sup.
Georgia: Oh my god, I thought you were dead.
Freya: Meh.
Ayisha: So… Um. How do you feel?
Holly: You know, the usual.
Beagle: So. You are totally fine?
Freya: Yeah. We got you a drink. One each.
(They all drink)
Beagle: Egh. Tastes strangely like -
Holly: Vomit right?
Beagle: Yeah…
Georgia: Oh my god they’ve been possessed!
Ayisha: And they are trying to get us possessed!

Beagle: Uh oh.
(They all start twitching violently.)
(Goes black)
(Holly wakes up as a doughnut. Beagle wakes up as a bagel. Freya wakes up as a slab of meat. Ayisha wakes up as a piece of cake. Georgia wakes up as a magician.)
Beagle: Hey guys! We’re all food!
Ayisha: I’m cake!
Georgia: Hello. I’m sure you’ve figured out I was the one originally possessed.
Freya: Ah, nope, but thanks for saying so!
Georgia: Well, when you got possessed, it didn’t last long. So I turned you into food. Now, I am going to publicly kill you all, including this strange body I am currently in.
Ayisha: So you’ll commit suicide?
Georgia: Yup. Anyway, let’s begin the show! Prepare to be amazed! I am the great magician, Georgina! Watch as I cut apart this slab of meat! (She grabs Freya)
Freya: Aahh!
Georgia: (Cuts Freya in half) Ta da!
Crowd: Woo!
Georgia: And now, watch as I join this doughnut, and this bagel together! (Grabs Beagle and Holly. Joins them together)
Beagle and Holly: Aah!
Georgia: Ta da!
Crowd: Woo!
Georgia: Alright that’s the show for today. Come again!
Ayisha: Yay! She hasn’t killed me yet!
Georgia: (grabs Ayisha) Now for lunch! You didn’t think I’d let you go did you? Silly cake. (eats Ayisha)
Ayisha: Aah!
Georgia: Now, to get rid of this ugly body! (Shoots herself.)


I also made a VIP Pass that looks like this: