Prior to the day, booklets were handed out to every student, along with an entry sheet. There was a junior booklet, and a senior booklet. In these booklets were all the different workshops available in each of the four breakouts.
To participate in a workshop, you need to choose three of your favourite workshops from each breakout. You order them from your favourite to least favourite, and fill that out on the form. You do this for each breakout.
The teachers try to sort you into your most favoured workshops when possible.
On the day, I received a lanyard with all the workshops I had made it into. I had Lunchbox Yummies, Fun With Felt And Buttons, Hot Dog Pasta, and Vintage Bunting. Each workshop is 50 minutes long, which gives us lots of time for the fun activities in store for us!
In Lunchbox Yummies, we made delicious lunchbox treats. For the first thing we made, everyone rolled out a sheet of short puff pastry, and covered it with some savoury fillings. I had pesto and cheese. After we had covered our sheet of pastry, we rolled it up, and cut it into 8 even pieces. We put our pieces on a tray, and squashed them down flat. We then put them in the oven, and cooked them for about 20 mins.
The second thing we made was the same, except sweet. We used short sweet pastry, and sweet fillings. I had cinnamon and sugar. Then we rolled it up, chopped it up, squashed it flat, and then cooked it for 20 mins.
These lunchbox yummies really were yummy! I made some at home, and put them in my lunchbox.
In Fun with Felt and Buttons, we made flowers. First we had to cut out 2-3 flower shapes on felt, and layer them out on top of each other. Then we choose a button, and sew it all together. After that, we got to choose to sew our flower to either a hair clip, a hair tie, a bookmark, or to just keep it as it is. I chose to have a hair clip, and I got mine finished so quickly, I got to make another one! I did another hairclip. This was a really fun workshop.
Next I went to Hot Dog Pasta. First we had to thread raw spaghetti through pieces of frank furter. Then we boiled them, and they tasted delicious! There was a sauce, but I didn't have it. I liked it better without the sauce. At home, I want to make some of this for dinner!
My final workshop was Vintage Bunting. The bunting was made out of two pieces of wallpaper, shaped like triangles. We glued our two pieces together with PVA, and then trimmed off any uneven edges. We made about five triangles each. We then sewed them onto twine using a sewing machine. I didn't manage to get mine finished at school because the machine wasn't working. But I did manage to get it finished at home, and now my bunting looks great on the wall!
I enjoyed making the lunchbox yummies because it was really easy, and it doesn't take long. I make my own lunch, so it was a great workshop for me.
I learnt a lot about cooking, because I went to two different workshops on cooking. I learnt a lot about how to estimate times for cooking. I'm used to using a recipe with a timer, but now I know how to figure it out myself.
I definitely tried a lot of new things in all of my workshops! I've never made lunchbox yummies before, I've never made felt flowers, I've never made hot dog pasta, and I've never made vintage bunting before.
I think some cool workshops for next time would be maybe macrame, wood working, or maybe some gardening!
Here is a quote I chose from the day!

The best part of the day for me was listening to Mark Osborne talk about what jobs we might have in the future. It was really interesting.
The Learning in The Making Conference is a really great experience!
The second thing we made was the same, except sweet. We used short sweet pastry, and sweet fillings. I had cinnamon and sugar. Then we rolled it up, chopped it up, squashed it flat, and then cooked it for 20 mins.
These lunchbox yummies really were yummy! I made some at home, and put them in my lunchbox.
In Fun with Felt and Buttons, we made flowers. First we had to cut out 2-3 flower shapes on felt, and layer them out on top of each other. Then we choose a button, and sew it all together. After that, we got to choose to sew our flower to either a hair clip, a hair tie, a bookmark, or to just keep it as it is. I chose to have a hair clip, and I got mine finished so quickly, I got to make another one! I did another hairclip. This was a really fun workshop.
Next I went to Hot Dog Pasta. First we had to thread raw spaghetti through pieces of frank furter. Then we boiled them, and they tasted delicious! There was a sauce, but I didn't have it. I liked it better without the sauce. At home, I want to make some of this for dinner!
My final workshop was Vintage Bunting. The bunting was made out of two pieces of wallpaper, shaped like triangles. We glued our two pieces together with PVA, and then trimmed off any uneven edges. We made about five triangles each. We then sewed them onto twine using a sewing machine. I didn't manage to get mine finished at school because the machine wasn't working. But I did manage to get it finished at home, and now my bunting looks great on the wall!
I enjoyed making the lunchbox yummies because it was really easy, and it doesn't take long. I make my own lunch, so it was a great workshop for me.
I learnt a lot about cooking, because I went to two different workshops on cooking. I learnt a lot about how to estimate times for cooking. I'm used to using a recipe with a timer, but now I know how to figure it out myself.
I definitely tried a lot of new things in all of my workshops! I've never made lunchbox yummies before, I've never made felt flowers, I've never made hot dog pasta, and I've never made vintage bunting before.
I think some cool workshops for next time would be maybe macrame, wood working, or maybe some gardening!
Here is a quote I chose from the day!
The best part of the day for me was listening to Mark Osborne talk about what jobs we might have in the future. It was really interesting.
The Learning in The Making Conference is a really great experience!
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