My name is Elaina and I am a Year 8 student at Ngatea Primary School. I enjoy swimming, music, reading, film making and art.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

I Wonder...

If you could be an animal for a day which animal would you be and why?

Being an animal for a day has it’s ups and downs. Most animals are a prey. They get killed easily. Other animals are predators, and they won’t be as likely to die.

I have a cat, and I think she probably has the best life of anyone I know.
If I could be any animal for a day, I would be a cat. Cats are so cute and fluffy, plus they don’t get treated badly, and they aren’t a prey.

Cats don’t have to worry about much. The only thing that they have to worry about is whether or not they’ve been fed, or if they have any water. And all they have to do is miaow, and then instantly someone would come and get you what you need. Cats are kind of like babies. When they want something, they make noise, just like a baby. Except when a cat wants something, it is much easier to tell what they want. For example, if a cat wanted water, it would stand by the water bowl and miaow. Simple, right?
I wouldn’t say that cats have a diet I would want to live on. Pellets that smells like fish, but don’t taste anything like fish (trust me, I have tried cat food)? No thank you. I would prefer our normal, human food. Maybe if I was thrown a bit of cooked  meat, I would be okay with being a cat.

I wonder what goes on inside a cat’s head? Does it have thoughts that our scientists could understand? I don’t think it does, because cats do not speak English or French or whatever. But can their meowing language be translated into English? I don’t know, but I would love to find out.

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