Here is the blurb:
"He'll always be true, faithful, and brave, even to the last beat of his heart... Whatever lies ahead for you both, remember that to him, you are all his life.
With his brother gone to fight in the Great War, and his father prone to sudden rage, thirteen-year-old Stanley devotes himself to taking care of the family's greyhound puppies. Until the morning Stanley wakes up to find the dogs gone.
Determined to find his brother, Stanley runs away to join an increasingly desperate army. Assigned to the experimental War Dog school, Stanley is given a problematic Great Dane to train. Against all odds, the pair excels, and Stanley is sent to France.
But the war in Europe is larger and more brutal than Stanley ever imagined. How can one young boy survive and find his brother with only a dog to help?
After reading just this, I predict that in this book, Stanley's brother will have been sent to war. Presumably in France. Stanley will have missed his brother so much, and been in shock from the greyhound puppies disappearing, that he would have been willing to head right into the war to bring his brother home.
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