My name is Elaina and I am a Year 8 student at Ngatea Primary School. I enjoy swimming, music, reading, film making and art.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes night is an old English event celebrated each year on the night of November 5th with bonfires, and fireworks.

The origin of Guy Fawkes goes back to 1605 when twelve men tried to blow up Britain's House Of Parliament. This event became known as the "Gunpowder Plot", and included Mr. Guy Fawkes, who was known as one of Britain's most notorious traitors.

Under the rule of James 1st, the English Catholics had been persecuted for many years. The twelve men who were involved in the Gunpowder Plot believed that blowing up the Houses Of Parliament would kill the King, and hopefully even the Prince Of Wales, and the members of the Parliament who were making life difficult for the Catholics.
To carry out their plan, the men hid thirty-six barrels of gunpowder in a cellar just below the House Of Lords.
But as the group worked on the plan, it became obvious that innocent people would be hurt or killed in the attack.

One of the twelve sent an anonymous letter to his friend who worked in Parliament warning him to stay away from it on November 5th.
The warning letter reached the king, and his forces made plans to stop the traitors. Guy Fawkes, who was in the cellar when the authorities stormed in, was caught and sent to trial.
To show the public that such treachery could not be accepted, he sentenced Guy Fawkes to the most horrendous form of execution available: that being hung, drawn and quartered.

To ensure the message to the public was remembered, it became the tradition for a sermon to be delivered in Parliament every year on the anniversary of this date. This became known as the "Gunpowder Plot Sermon". To go along with it, there was also a poem created to make sure that each new generation would remember the Gunpowder Plot and the nasty end that awaits traitors. This poem is called "Remember Remember The Fifth Of November.

Remember, remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
Guy Fawkes Guy, ’twas his intent
To blow up king and parliament
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England’s overthrow.
By God’s mercy he was catched
With a dark lantern and lighted match.
Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the King

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