My name is Elaina and I am a Year 8 student at Ngatea Primary School. I enjoy swimming, music, reading, film making and art.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Weekly Reflection Week 8

Week 8

- This week I liked Impact  because we got to cover books with fabric - I did mine with plain fabric, and I plan to just decorate the plain fabric with shapes made out of other coloured fabric.
- This week I also liked the 12 book challenge because it challenges me to read more often.
- This week my minus is that I was on Red Alert and I think this is because when I put my book down to get marked, It was only open on where I had my SRA so that only the SRA was seen.
- This week I was interested when I did Kids Ed Chat because one of my tweets were replied to. It was nice to know that someone was interested in what I had to say!
- To fix my minus I will have to remember to leave my book open on the right page!
- This week my goal is to get faster at doing my work on paper because when I do work on paper, I have to finish everything before I hand it in.

1 comment:

  1. Why do you have those scary people at the top and how did you get them?
