So far in my IE I have answered all of my questions with summaries. Here they are:
What is politics?
The word politics means the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power. Politics is a way of deciding the government, and making different decisions that impact our community. It is the way we make laws in our society. Politics can also be used not just in laws, but also in schools, and big companies. Politics is about making agreements in groups so that they can live in peace together, and without fights.
How do politics work in NZ?
New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy, which is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state. I NZ’s case, this person is the Queen. The Governor General represents the Queen. New Zealand uses an MMP voting system. This stands for Mixed Member Proportional. Using the MMP system, each voter gets two votes. The first vote, is for the party you prefer. This is the vote that largely decides which number of seats each party gets of the 120 seats in Parliament. For example, if 40% vote for the banana party, they will get 40% of the seats in Parliament. Your second vote is to choose a person to represent your local electorate in Parliament. Under MMP, New Zealand is divided into 71 electorates. Whoever gets the most votes, will become your local MP. For a party to get seats in Parliament, they have to get at least 5% of the votes, or win an electorate seat. But, if for example, a party got 4% of the votes, but also got one electorate, they would be entitled to 4% of the seats. The government is formed by a democratic election held every three years.
What do the different political parties represent?
There are 7 parties that currently have seats inside of Parliament.
National Party
Labour Party
Green Party
New Zealand First Party
Maori Party
ACT Party
United Future Party
The most popular party is the National party. The leader is Bill English. The party was founded in 1936. They have 59 seats in Parliament, and they are the Labour party’s main opposition. The National party supports a mixed economy market, and lower taxation.
The Labour Party’s leader is Andrew Little. They have 32 seats in Parliament. Founded in 1916, they are the countries eldest party. They support everything that the National party supports.
The Green Party is the third most popular party. They have 14 seats in Parliament. They were founded in 1990, and their leaders are Metiria Turei and James Shaw. They support environmentalism and nonviolence.
The New Zealand First party was founded in 1993. Their leader is Winston Peters. Their primary goals are to reduce immigration, reduce Treaty Of Waitangi payments, and increasing sentences for crime. They have 12 seats in Parliament.
The Maori Party have 2 seats in Parliament. Their leaders are Te Ururoa Flavel and Marama Fox. They were founded in 2004. They are a party that addresses the concerns of NZ’s Maori minority. It promotes the rights and interests of the Maori.
The ACT party was founded in 1994. Their leader is David Seymour. They have 1 seat in Parliament. They promote free market economics, low taxation, and increased punishments for crime.
The United Future Party have 1 seat in Parliament. Their leader is Peter Dunne, and they were founded in the year 2000. They have a strong Christian background, and describe their platform as “common sense.”
How was the Prime Minister decided?
The Prime Minister is decided after the election. The party with the most seats leader is the Prime Minister. Or, the party can choose another leader if one stands down, like they did when John Key left, which meant that the new leader of the national party, Bill English became the Prime Minister. In September, when we have the election, if a different party wins the majority of the seats, their leader will become Prime Minister.
Are politics changing? If they are, is it for the better or worse?
Politics aren’t really changing. Of course the House Of Representatives and the Prime Minister might change each year, but that is simply how politics work in NZ. Nothing big in the rules has really changed. Right back at the start, there were things that changed, like how women couldn’t vote. Now they can, and New Zealand has created a great system that works really well. People still want their governments to make things better. It’s not always about the government’s decision, it’s also about what the community wants, and how the decision made affects our society.
What does a politician’s job involve?
I emailed Scott Simpson, and here is what he said.
Representing their constituents in our Parliament.
Assisting and advocating on behalf of constituents.
Representing their Party, and being the voice and face of their electorate in Parliament.
Participating in the legislative process through select committee work debates in the House.
There is also a considerable degree of ‘pastoral care’ that includes helping people with problems and issues.
It’s a huge privilege to be elected to Parliament and it involves a wide range of activities in both the local electorate and in Wellington.
How does the government make decisions that impact our community? What impacts their decisions?
Here is what Scott Simpson said:
“By formulating policy that is presented to voters during election campaigns. Elected governments then seek to use their term of office to implement those policies. Members of Parliament will listen to a range of views and opinions expressed to them by a wide range of individuals, pressure and lobby groups, officials and advisors. Those views are debated within political party groups and also in the House. Every piece of legislation requires the approval of a majority of MPs in Parliament before it can become law.
The advice and feedback received from members of the public. Ultimately politicians who do not listen to and act upon the wishes of those that elect them will be voted out of office.”
How long is the government in power?
The House of Representatives is formed every three years after a general election using the MMP voting system. Or, they might have a snap election, which is an election before the three years is up.
What is an MP?
MP stands for Member Of Parliament. An MP is a member of the House of Representatives, which has a minimum of 120 members that are elected at a general election for a three year term. There are 70 electorate MPs in New Zealand, 7 of which are elected by Maori. The remaining MP’s are selected using the MMP voting system. For example, if the cherry party had 8 electorate MPs, and had won 10% of the votes, they would get 12 chairs, 8 of which would be taken up by their electorate MPs, and the other four would be taken up by other selected MPs.
An electorate MP is a representative of their electorate.
What different roles are there in politics?
Here is what Scott Simpson said:
“Lots. The main role is as a member of our Parliament, but within that there are members of the Executive (sometimes referred to as the Cabinet) lead by the Prime Minister. Some of us are select committee chairs or Parliamentary Private Secretaries. The roles are divided into Government and Opposition roles. Opposition MPs are often ‘spokespersons’ for various portfolio or policy areas.”